Individuals & Families

Who can shop as a business, and who needs to shop as an individual or family through the Health Connector?

The rules around shopping as a small business through the Health Connector have changed. If you are the owner of a business that has no eligible employees other than your tax dependents, you will need to shop as an individual or family, instead of as a small business. However, most of the health plans available to small businesses are the same as the health plans offered to individuals through the Health Connector. And, you may be able to qualify for help paying for your coverage through programs that are available only for individuals and families.

Do I have to buy health insurance?

Under both Massachusetts and national health reform laws, most people must have health insurance if it’s affordable to them. There can be penalties for not being insured.Find out more about the Massachusetts Individual Mandate →

Are there different ways to get help paying for health insurance?

Yes. When you apply, you will be able to find out which programs you can qualify for. The three main ways to get help paying for coverage are through MassHealth (Massachusetts’ Medicaid program), ConnectorCare health plans, and tax credits that lower your monthly insurance premium.All applications for help paying for coverage can be done through the online application, or by filling out a paper application that is used by both the Health Connector and MassHealth.

When is Open Enrollment and when do Health Connector plans start?

The most recent Open Enrollment period was November 1, 2023 through January 23, 2024. the next begins November 1, 2024. In general, Open Enrollment is the only time of year when you can purchase or change insurance plans for any reason. However, you may be allowed to enroll any time of year if you experience certain life events, such as losing your current insurance. If you qualify for MassHealth, or for a ConnectorCare plan, or want to purchase a stand alone dental plan, you may enroll at any time during the year. Find out more now → When you enroll in a health or dental plan by the enrollment deadline - which is the 23rd day of each month - then the earliest plan start date is the first day of the following month. For example, if you complete enrollment by September 23, then your coverage start date will be October 1.

How do I get started?

Click "Get Started" now to learn what you need to do to apply for and enroll in coverage. Or, visit the "Getting Started Guide" section for important information that can help you get started. It includes information you should have on-hand as well as step-by-step instructions.

What kind of health insurance are Massachusetts students required to have?

Massachusetts law requires students enrolled in higher education programs with a 75% full-time curriculum to be covered by health insurance that offers reasonably comprehensive coverage of health care services. Reasonable comprehensive coverage could include (but is not limited to) MassHealth, Health Connector plans, or an employer health plan. All of the plans offered by the Health Connector have been awarded the state’s Seal of Approval, so you can be sure the plan you choose meets both state and national coverage standards.

What is an Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC)?

An Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) is a federal tax credit that is calculated on a per tax household basis. If you are eligible to receive APTC, you may use it right away to lower what you pay for your monthly health plan premiums. Households who qualify can take the tax credit as advance payments to lower their monthly health plan premiums, making insurance more affordable.The maximum amount of APTC a tax household is eligible for is calculated and adjusted according to income, family size and the value of the second-lowest cost Silver Plan that all members of your shopping group is eligible for.In order to use APTC, you must enroll in a plan through the Health Connector. Once you enroll, you can control how much of your tax credit you want to use to help pay your monthly health plan premiums. The premium tax credit is sent directly to your insurance company each month and applied to your premium, so you pay less out of your own pocket.Download the Guide to Subsidies (PDF) → Massachusetts Health Connector health insurance plans are sold in four levels of coverage: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. As the metal category increases in value, so does the percentage of medical expenses that a health insurance plan covers compared with what you are expected to pay in co-pays and deductibles. On average, Platinum-level plans cover 90 percent of health care costs, and you pay 10 percent; Gold plans cover 80 percent, while [...]

What are ConnectorCare plans?

ConnectorCare plans are a set of plans that offer lower monthly premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs, because they are partially paid for by the state. If you qualify for a ConnectorCare plan, you will be able to get the most savings possible. Learn more about ConnectorCare plans

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