When you buy health and dental insurance through the Health Connector, your coverage period ends on December 31 regardless of your coverage start date.

But, don’t worry. You have the opportunity to review coverage each year during the Open Enrollment period.

Before your coverage end date for the year, you will get letters in the mail that will let you know about your coverage options for the next year. Your plan renewal information will tell you if your plan will be available for the next year, or, if it is not, will give your information about the new plan you are matched to.

During open enrollment you can shop for a different plan, even if the plan you have is available. By shopping during open enrollment, you may be able to find plans with lower costs.

If your plan is available for the next year and you do not want to change it, then all you have to do is continue to pay your monthly premium.

About plan premiums

It is important to know that plan premiums change each year. Premiums are calculated based on

  • The ages of covered household members,
  • The number of people covered on the plan,
  • Where you live, and
  • Rates set by health insurers, approved by the Massachusetts Division of Insurance

If you are eligible for savings that help lower your monthly premium cost, this may change, too. For example, if you are eligible for an Advance Premium Tax Credit, how much you are eligible for is based on

  • Your household size and income, and
  • The second-lowest cost Silver plan available to you.

Because these may change each year, the amount of tax credits you receive may be different and will impact your premium. Learn more about the Advance Premium Tax Credit →

It is very important when paying your monthly premiums for the new coverage year that you check your bill and pay the new amount.
