The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers new opportunities for individuals, families and small businesses to access insurance in Massachusetts as well as new opportunities to assist them in enrolling in affordable health and dental coverage. In Massachusetts, the Health Connector serves as the ACA-compliant Marketplace offering the Commonwealth more affordable health and dental coverage options that are easy to compare.

The Health Connector also administers the federally-required Navigator program, which is designed to help consumers and small businesses that are seeking health or dental coverage, understand their coverage options and access any applicable state and federal subsidies that may make their coverage more affordable.

The Health Connector is pleased to announce that we are seeking applications from qualified and eligible organizations to serve as Navigators for the second year of the program.  The Notice of Grant Opportunity can be found on COMMBUYS at

Please note the following important deadlines, which apply to all interested applicants:

  • Required  Letter of Intent due Friday, May 30, 2014
  • Completed grant application due Friday, June 13, 2014

Please share this announcement with any interested stakeholders. The Health Connector