Massachusetts Health Connector Public Records

Massachusetts residents have a right to access public information maintained by government agencies. Under An Act to Improve Public Records, effective January 1, 2017, agencies and municipalities, including the Health Connector, must make certain information available online to the public.

  1. Final opinions, decisions, orders, or votes from Health Connector proceedings
  2. Annual Reports
  3. Proposed regulations
  4. Hearing notices
  5. Final Appeal Decisions
  6. Winning contract bids
  7. Grant awards
  8. Open meeting minutes (please see the Health Connector’s Board of Directors Meeting Minutes →)
  9. Agency budgets: Fiscal Year 2017 Budget
  10. Other items of interest

Health Connector Public Records Requests Form

Use the following form to make a public records request (PRR) of the Massachusetts Health Connector.  Contact information for the Records Access Officer is below.  Only questions relating to the public records request process or a public records request status should be sent to that email account.

All public record requests should be submitted by using the form below.
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, txt, Max. file size: 1 MB.
    Maximum file size is 1MB
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Public Records Request (PRR) Tips

Be Specific

Consider how you can narrow the scope of your request to speed up the processing of your request.


The first four (4) hours of work performed to respond to a PRR will be performed at no cost.  After that, the Health Connector may charge up to $25 per hour.

Privacy Protection

Public agencies must adhere to the law requiring them to secure personally identifiable information and prevent unwarranted invasions of privacy.  Documents containing such information must be redacted carefully before releasing, expanding time needed for production.  Consider how you might revise your PRR to exclude records containing such information.

Records Access Officer

Andrew R. Egan
General Counsel
Massachusetts Health Connector
100 City Hall Plaza
Boston, MA 02128