Board Members

Kate Walsh, ex-officio, Chair

Secretary, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Filaine Deronnette, Vice Chair

Vice President-At Large, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East

Michael T. Caljouw, ex-officio

Commissioner of the Division of Insurance

Michael Chernew, PhD

Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School

Bela Gorman, FSA, MAAA


Matthew Gorzkowicz, ex-officio

Secretary, Executive Office for Administration and Finance, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Eric Gulko

President, Innovo Benefits Group

Robyn Olson, RDH, MPA, PhD

Partner, Boston Benefit Partners

Dimitry Petion

President and Chief Executive Officer of Mulberry Systems, Inc.

Nancy Turnbull

Senior Associate Dean for Educational Programs, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Matthew Veno, ex-officio

Executive Director, Group Insurance Commission

Senior Leadership Team

Audrey Morse Gasteier

Executive Director

Patricia Grant

Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer

Andrew Egan

General Counsel

Jason Lefferts

Chief of Communications and Public Affairs

Kari Miller

Chief Financial Officer

Michael Piantanida

Chief Information Officer

Erin Ryan

Chief of Staff

Marissa Woltmann

Chief of Policy and Plan Management