The Health Connector offers dental plans to meet most needs and budgets
There are plans for children only, and plans for families and adults. The information on this page will help you understand the different options and help you choose the best dental plan that meets your needs.
Detailed information about specific plans is available by clicking on the boxes below. The plans are organized so that you can easily compare covered benefits and cost-sharing amounts, such as deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket maximums, and annual benefit maximums.
Important features that are common to all Health Connector dental plans:
For children under 19 years of age on any plan:
- The out-of-pocket maximum is $350 for one; $700 for two or more
- There is never an annual benefit maximum
- Medically necessary orthodontia is covered
For adults 19 years of age or older, on any plan:
- There is no out-of-pocket maximum
- There is an annual benefit maximum (which may vary)
- Orthodontia of any kind is not a covered benefit
While shopping, pay close attention to these features, which are different from plan to plan:
- Monthly premiums
- Co-insurance amounts (percentage of cost that the plan pays) differ for:
- Preventive and diagnostic services, such as cleanings, x-rays, treatments and sealants;
- Basic restorative services, such as fillings and extractions;
- Major restorative services, such as crowns, bridges, dentures
- Deductibles and annual benefit maximums (for adults only)
- Some plans have smaller provider networks. See links below to the provider search tools available on each of the dental carriers’ websites to make sure that your dentist is covered by the plan your choose. Some plans do not pay for covered services if you see a dentist who is not in the plan’s network. These plans are labeled as having no out-of-network coverage in the PDFs with detailed information below.
Important Update
Pediatric Dental Coverage
Please note that child-only dental plans are only available for purchase by phone at this time.
If you are shopping for an adult or family plan, please continue to shop online. However, if you need to buy a dental plan only for family member under 19 years old, you will need to call Health Connector Customer Service at 1-877-MA-ENROLL (1-877-623-6765), or TTY 711 to enroll in a child-only (pediatric) dental plan.
Download an apples-to-apples comparison of the plans offered in each category:
Adult and Family Coverage: Basic and Comprehensive Options
For families or adults who want preventative, diagnostic, and basic restorative coverage (such as cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatments, sealants, fillings and extractions)