Halloween Safety

It’s spooky season! Happy Halloween! Before going out trick or treating, make sure you’re following these tips to make Halloween a fun and safe holiday: Supervise kids under the age of 12 for trick-or-treating. Walk safely! Make sure your kids use sidewalks, traffic signals, and crosswalks. Have them look several times before crossing the street. Have your kids wear bright colors or carry glow sticks or flashlights to help them see and be seen by drivers. When selecting a costume, make sure it is comfortable and a good size to prevent any falls. Try to use face paint or makeup instead of a mask that can obstruct a child’s vision. If you’re giving out candy, be alert of any allergies. Always check candy before eating it. If you’re driving, slow down and be alert. Popular trick or treating hours are 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Make sure your kids are home early and in a safe neighborhood. Wear a mask and try to social distance yourself outdoors as much as possible. Limit your group size if you are celebrating together and practice good hygiene together. Don’t go out if you feel sick. Have a safe and happy Halloween!