Press Release

Residents needing health insurance can now get covered through the Massachusetts Health Connector

With more help to pay for coverage for more people than ever before, Health Connector plans can be purchased by Dec. 23 to start the New Year November 1, 2022 – Starting today, people who need health insurance can get coverage that delivers high-quality, comprehensive benefits – including new $0 co-pays for some chronic illnesses – while also getting help paying for their coverage through the Massachusetts Health Connector. Open Enrollment runs through Jan. 23, 2023, with a deadline of Dec. 23 for people who want to start the New Year with coverage. The Health Connector is the only place where Massachusetts residents can access help paying for coverage, and all Health Connector plans meet state and federal standards, delivering the peace of mind that comes with having usable, affordable health insurance. Adult residents in Massachusetts are required to have health insurance coverage. People can find coverage at “Massachusetts leads the nation in health care coverage, with more than 97 percent of about 7 million people covered, and we want every single person to have access to affordable health care that delivers strong benefits,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “With more help than ever, including thousands of dollars in financial support for premiums a year, going into 2023 with health insurance is the right choice for everyone.” New in 2023 are $0 co-pays for ConnectorCare members for a number of important medications for chronic conditions, like diabetes, asthma, coronary artery disease and [...]

Simple Sign-up health insurance enrollment is as easy as checking a box on the state tax form

New program will simplify sign up for coverage through the Health Connector  February 7, 2022 – Uninsured Massachusetts residents can check a box on their state tax forms to quickly start the process of getting health insurance through the Massachusetts Health Connector’s new Simple Sign-up program. The program will increase access to health insurance, and provide assistance signing up for coverage to thousands of residents. Through the Simple Sign-up program, when checking the box on the tax form, individuals authorize the Department of Revenue to communicate select elements of the tax filer’s information with the Health Connector. The Health Connector will use this information to create and send tailored information to the tax filer, and to work with residents towards obtaining the most appropriate health plan. Many communities of color have higher rates of uninsured residents, an inequity that the new Health Connector program seeks to address. Every resident completing their state taxes must have health insurance or face an individual mandate penalty. The new checkbox on the state tax form will make it easy for uninsured residents to get covered through the Health Connector, the Commonwealth’s health insurance exchange. “Simple Sign-up is a convenient new way for residents without coverage to find a path to health insurance coverage,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “The Health Connector will be able to send information directly to those who check the box, and provide assistance obtaining the coverage and help paying for health insurance to meet their [...]

Massachusetts Health Connector walk-in center in Worcester reopens to the public today

January 10, 2022 – The Massachusetts Health Connector has reopened its public walk-in center in Worcester, providing the option to members and applicants to receive in-person assistance as Open Enrollment continues through Jan. 23, and beyond for ongoing assistance and enrollment needs. The full-service walk-in center provides assistance to members regarding their coverage and assisting applicants completing their application and enrollment process. Members may also make their premium payments at the walk-in center in the form of check or money order. “Many of our members appreciate the in-person support offered by our walk-in centers, and reopening during Open Enrollment is a priority for the Health Connector,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “Members in Worcester can access quality, in-person help, through Open Enrollment and beyond.” The Health Connector closed its walk-in centers in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors to the reopened walk-in center must adhere to mask and capacity requirements to maintain health and safety to visitors and staff. The Worcester walk-in center is located at 146 Main St., in downtown Worcester, and is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. People who need health insurance, or members who need to update their accounts or pick a new plan for 2022 can visit to apply and enroll in a plan. Those who need assistance can visit a walk-in center, find a local Navigator or Certified Enrollment Counselor through the website, or call the Health Connector at 877-MA-ENROLL (TTY 711). About the Massachusetts Health [...]

Massachusetts Health Connector walk-in center in Springfield reopens to public on Dec. 15

December 15, 2021 – The Massachusetts Health Connector is reopening its public walk-in center in Springfield today, providing the option to members and applicants to receive in-person assistance as Open Enrollment continues through January 23, 2022, and beyond for ongoing assistance and enrollment needs. The full-service walk-in center will provide assistance to members regarding their coverage and assisting applicants completing their application and enrollment process. Members may also make their premium payments at the walk-in center in the form of check or money order. “Many of our members appreciate the in-person support offered by our walk-in centers, and reopening during Open Enrollment is a priority for the Health Connector,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “Members in Springfield can access quality, in-person help starting this week, through Open Enrollment and beyond.” The Health Connector closed its walk-in centers in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors to the newly reopened walk-in center must adhere to mask and capacity requirements to maintain health and safety to visitors and staff. The Springfield walk-in center is located at the MassHealth Enrollment Center at 88 Industrial Ave., and is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. People who need health insurance, or members who need to update their accounts or pick a new plan for 2022 can visit to apply and enroll in a plan. Those who need assistance can visit a walk-in center, find a local Navigator or Certified Enrollment Counselor through the website, or call the Health [...]

Massachusetts Health Connector walk-in center in Boston reopens to public on Dec. 13

December 13, 2021 – The Massachusetts Health Connector is reopening its public walk-in center in Boston today, providing the option to members and applicants to receive in-person assistance as Open Enrollment continues through January 23, 2022, and beyond for ongoing assistance and enrollment needs. The full-service walk-in center will provide assistance to members regarding their coverage and assisting applicants completing their application and enrollment process. Members may also make their premium payments at the walk-in center in the form of check or money order. “Many of our members appreciate the in-person support offered by our walk-in centers, and reopening during Open Enrollment is a priority for the Health Connector,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “Members in Boston can access quality, in-person help starting this week, through Open Enrollment and beyond.” The Health Connector closed its walk-in centers in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors to the newly reopened walk-in center must adhere to mask and capacity requirements to maintain health and safety to visitors and staff. The Boston walk-in center is located at 133 Portland St., within walking distance of Haymarket buses, all MBTA subway lines, and North Station Commuter Rail, and is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Further walk-in center openings in Springfield and Worcester will be announced in coming days. People who need health insurance, or members who need to update their accounts or pick a new plan for 2022 can visit to apply and enroll in a plan. [...]

Open Enrollment Begins at the Massachusetts Health Connector – Increase in Financial Support for 2022 Coverage

Nov. 1, 2021 – Open Enrollment for 2022 health insurance begins today at the Massachusetts Health Connector, with more opportunities for enrollees to find financial assistance with their monthly premiums. Open Enrollment runs through Jan. 23, 2022, with a deadline to apply, pick a plan, and make a first premium payment by Dec. 23, for coverage to begin Jan. 1, 2022. Open Enrollment is the time when individuals without health insurance can find coverage through the Health Connector without a qualifying reason. “Access to affordable health care for individuals and families in Massachusetts is vital,” said Marylou Sudders, Secretary of Health and Human Services and Chair of the Health Connector’s Board of Directors. “Massachusetts has the highest insured rate in the nation, and Open Enrollment offers individuals the opportunity to apply and choose a coverage plan that meets their needs and provides security for their health and wellbeing.” “There has not been a more important time to obtain coverage through the Health Connector than now,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “There is more assistance than ever available to help pay for coverage, and more individuals are eligible for assistance to lower the cost of health coverage than ever before.” Through the federal American Rescue Plan, millions of dollars in new federal assistance are available to Massachusetts residents to lower the cost of their health insurance premiums. The ConnectorCare program offers lower-income members premium assistance – including $0 premiums for some– with low or no [...]

Massachusetts Health Connector Offers Plans with No Premiums to Residents on Unemployment in 2021

August 19, 2021 –Massachusetts residents who have received unemployment compensation at any point in 2021 are eligible for a health insurance plan through the Massachusetts Health Connector with no premium payments through the end of the year, regardless of their income. The availability of plans without premiums for people who’ve been on unemployment benefits at any point in 2021 is part of the federal American Rescue Plan, and makes available commercial health insurance plans that deliver quality benefits. Along with no premium payments, the plans for people who’ve been on unemployment have no deductible, and very affordable co-pays. “The Health Connector is pleased to be able to offer zero-dollar premium, high-quality coverage to Massachusetts residents who have experienced lost employment and income this year due to COVID-19,” said Audrey Gasteier, the Chief of Strategy and Policy at the Massachusetts Health Connector. “Residents who do not have health insurance and who have been on unemployment at any point this year can have the peace of mind of being covered, and not have to worry about making monthly premium payments for the rest of the year.” The plans are available to people who received unemployment for at least one week at any point in 2021 – even if they are no longer receiving checks right now. These plans are part of the Health Connector’s ConnectorCare program, which uses state and federal subsidies to make health insurance more affordable to low- and moderate-income residents. Along with the no-premium plans for people who are [...]

Massachusetts Health Connector and member carriers agree to carry over out-of-pocket costs for mid-year moves to access new lower premiums on-exchange

Agreement allows carrier members to access to lower Health Connector premiums as a result of the American Rescue Plan without resetting deductibles in 2021 May 20, 2021 – All nine health insurance carriers who participate in the Massachusetts Health Connector have agreed to let their off-exchange members move from an off-exchange plan to an exchange-based plan mid-year without losing spent out-of-pocket costs in 2021. This flexibility can help Massachusetts residents access new lower-cost plans through the Health Connector. The federal American Rescue Plan, which was signed into law in March 2021, creates new premium subsidies for many people who earn more than 400 percent of the federal poverty level (about $51,000), creating lower premiums for plans available through the Health Connector. Someone who currently buys their plan directly through the carrier can seek out the new premium help available only through the Health Connector. If they purchase a plan with the same carrier, the money they have spent on their deductible and other out-of-pocket costs will be credited for money spent so far this year. The Health Connector recently completed a redetermination of more than 11,000 current members who were not receiving subsidy previously. A majority of those people are now eligible for help paying for their health insurance, with average monthly premiums for those eligible dropping 27 percent thanks to savings of $217 per month – or $2,600 a year. “This agreement to carry over out-of-pocket costs for people moving into Health Connector plans will allow thousands of Massachusetts [...]

Massachusetts Health Connector to Provide New, Additional Financial Help for Health Insurance Premiums

Extended enrollment to run through July 23 to maximize opportunity for residents to gain access to new premium support March 23, 2021 – The Massachusetts Health Connector will be able to provide hundreds of thousands of people with new and increased help paying for their health insurance premiums as a result of the recently enacted American Rescue Plan, starting for May coverage. The new law will make federal premium subsidies, known as Advance Premium Tax Credits, more generous in two ways: It will increase them for many of the Massachusetts residents who already receive them, and it will make federal premium subsidies available to more people who have never qualified before. Most of the Health Connector’s 270,000 current members, along with new enrollees, will experience lower health premiums for 2021 and 2022 under the new law. Current members who are in ConnectorCare or who receive Advance Premium Tax Credits to reduce their premiums will see even lower premiums starting with their May premium payment. Many other people, both Health Connector members and those who don’t currently purchase through the Health Connector, who previously did not get help paying their premiums will become newly eligible for subsidies and can start to access lower premiums during May, for June coverage. “The changes created by the American Rescue Plan represent the most significant expansion of financial assistance since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010,” said Louis Gutierrez, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Health Connector. “Massachusetts residents will get more help [...]

Massachusetts Health Connector extends Open Enrollment through May 23 for anyone to get health insurance

February 3, 2021 – The Massachusetts Health Connector announced today a further extension of its Open Enrollment through May 23, providing residents impacted by COVID-19 the opportunity to get access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance. The Health Connector previously announced an extension of Open Enrollment through March 23, two additional months beyond the original Jan. 23 deadline. Open Enrollment started Nov. 1, and the new deadline of May 23 aligns the Massachusetts health insurance exchange with the new open enrollment period for the federal exchange platform,, which reopens Feb. 15 and remains open through May 15, and will be accompanied by a national marketing and awareness campaign. Many people need help applying for coverage or picking plan, and the Health Connector has 18 Navigator organizations available around the state, many with newly added capacity – including evening and weekend hours – to help those with questions. People who need help can find a local Navigator at Tens of thousands of Health Connector members applicants are staying covered or getting covered during Open Enrollment, and people are encouraged to reach out to a Navigator as soon as possible to get the support needed to get coverage. About the Massachusetts Health Connector The Massachusetts Health Connector is the Commonwealth’s health insurance exchange, and currently serves more than 300,000 individuals and small-employer members with health and dental insurance. Massachusetts residents who do not have health insurance from an employer or other entity can use the exchange to gain coverage. Through the ConnectorCare [...]

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