Need health coverage? You may have options.
Open Enrollment ended on January 23. If you need coverage now, you can enroll at any time of the year if you are applying for dental plans or qualify for certain programs, including MassHealth, Children’s Medical Security Plan (CMSP), Health Safety Net, or ConnectorCare. Or, if you’ve experienced a qualifying event.
If you’re applying for the first time, here are the steps you’ll need to take:
Information you will need before you start your application
- Do any of the health plans that the employer offers meet the “minimum value” standard?
- What is the employee contribution to the lowest-cost health plan offered by your employer for an individual?
- How often?
- Weekly
- Every 2 weeks
- Twice a month
- Monthly
- How often?
People you can include on your application
- Yourself
- Your spouse
- Your natural, adoptive, or step-children under age 19
- Your unmarried partner if you have children together who are under age 19
- Your unmarried partner’s children who live with you and who are under age 19, if you also include your unmarried partner
- Anyone you include on your tax return (even if they do not live with you)
- Anyone your unmarried partner included on his or her tax return (even if they do not live with you), if you also include your unmarried partner
- Anyone else under age 19 who you live with and take care of
You do not have to include
- Your unmarried partner, unless you have children together
- Your unmarried partner’s children, unless they live with you
- Your parents who you live with and who file their own taxes if they do not claim you as a tax dependent (if you are aged 19 or older)
- Other adult relatives who you do not claim as a tax dependent
Important Dates & Deadlines
Did you know…
You can enroll in coverage at any time of the year if
- You qualify for MassHealth
- You now qualify for a ConnectorCare plan through the Health Connector after not qualifying in the past, or if you are applying for the first time
- You are applying for dental coverage
- You are a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native shareholder
- You experience a Qualifying Event
FREE help is available!
Find help in your community with an Enrollment Assister. These certified enrollment experts can help you understand your coverage options, answer questions you may have, and help you find the most affordable coverage that meets your needs.