To help protect your privacy, the Health Connector has some built-in features to keep your information private and protected. But, there are also important things you must do to keep your information safe and secure while filling out your application online:

  • Never walk away from your computer or mobile device (like a phone or tablet) while you are filling out your application.
  • Sign out of your account when you are finished with your account.
  • To make sure cached (saved) copies of your web pages you visited are cleared, always close your browser—not just the tab you are working in—after signing out.
  • Your website session will expire after 20 minutes of inactivity. If you are still working on your application, but stepped away from the computer for 20 minutes or more, you may lose unsaved information. To continue working, you will need to sign back into the website.
  • If your browser asks to save your username or password, always choose “No” to stop other people who may use the computer to access your account.
  • Do not leave your username or password written down where another person may find it.

Again…Always close your browser—not just the tabs in your web browser—when you are finished using the Health Connector website, especially if you are using a public, or shared, computer or mobile device.