The Massachusetts Health Connector Navigator Program

The Health Connector partners with a set of community organizations through a grant program to serve as Navigator organizations that provide community-based eligibility and enrollment assistance.


Navigators provide community-based eligibility and enrollment assistance to the uninsured and current Health Connector members across Massachusetts. Anyone can choose to work with a person at a Navigator organization who can act as a trusted adviser and provide one-on-one help.

Navigators assist with a wide range of activities, but are focused on helping with the following areas:

  • Assisting uninsured people to complete an application and select a health plan

  • Answering questions about members’ plans, Open Enrollment, and renewing coverage

  • Conducting outreach and assisting individuals in their communities to increase awareness about the Health Connector

Finding a Navigator

There are currently 24 Navigator organizations across Massachusetts. The current list of Navigators, where they are located and how to contact them is listed here:

Boston Public Health Commission1-800-847-0710 or 617-534-50501010 Massachusetts AvenueBostonMA02118Greater BostonEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Haitian Creole, Cape Verdean Creole
Brazilian American Center (BRACE)508-628-0360560 Waverly StreetFraminghamMA01702MetroWestEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanesehttp://www.brazilianamericancenter.org
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)617-868-290011 Inman StreetCambridgeMA02139Greater BostonEnglish, Amharic, Oromo, Haitian Creole, Tigrinya, Portuguese, Spanish, Italianhttp://www.ceoccambridge.org
Caring Health Center413-739-1100, Ext. 21371049 Main StreetSpringfieldMA01103WesternEnglish, Spanishhttp://www.caringhealth.org
Caring Health Center413-739-1100, Ext. 2137532 Sumner AvenueSpringfieldMA01108WesternEnglish, Spanishhttp://www.caringhealth.org
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands Inc.508-771-1727372 North StreetHyannisMA02601Cape and IslandsPortuguese, Spanishhttp://www.cacci.cc
Community Economic Development Center New Bedford508-979-4684235 North Front StreetNew BedfordMA02746SoutheastEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese, Cape Verdean Kriolu, and Maya K?iche?https://cedcnewbedford.org
Community Health Center of Franklin County, Inc. - Greenfield413-325-8500102 Main StreetGreenfieldMA01301WesternEnglish, Spanishhttp://http://www.chcfc.org
Community Health Center of Franklin County, Inc. - Orange978-544-7800119 New Athol RoadOrangeMA01364WesternEnglish, Spanishhttps://www.chcfc.org
Community Health Programs - Adams413-743-108019 Depot StreetAdamsMA01220WesternEnglishhttps://www.chpberkshires.org
Community Health Programs - Great Barrington413-528-9311444 Stockbridge RoadGreat BarringtonMA01230WesternEnglish, Spanish, Portuguesehttp://www.communityhealthprograms.org
Community Health Programs - Pittsfield413-447-2351510 North StreetPittsfieldMA01201WesternEnglish, Spanish, Portuguesehttps://www.chpberkshires.org
Dukes County Health Care Access Program508-696-0020114 New York AvenueOak BluffsMA02557Cape and IslandsEnglish, Tagalog, Portuguesehttp://mvhealthcareaccess.org
Ecu-Health Care413-663-871199 Hospital Avenue, Suite 208North AdamsMA01247WesternEnglishhttp://ecuhealth.boxcarexpress.com
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center508-852-1805 or 1-800-853-228819 Tacoma StreetWorcesterMA01605CentralSpanish, Portuguesehttp://www.kennedychc.org
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center508-370-0113 or 1-800-853-2288354 Waverly StreetFraminghamMA01702MetroWestSpanish, Portuguesehttp://www.kennedychc.org
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center508-270-5750 or 1-800-853-228841 Cape RoadMilfordMA01757MetroWestSpanish, Portuguesehttp://www.kennedychc.org
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center508-595-0750605 Lincoln StreetWorcesterMA01605CentralSpanish, Portuguesehttp://www.kennedychc.org
Family Health Center to HOAP (Homeless Outreach and Advocacy Program)508-860-7700199 Chandler StreetWorcesterMA01609CentralEnglish, Albanian, Bosnian, Spanish, Portuguesehttps://www.fhcw.org
Family Health Center of Worcester508-860-770026 Queens StreetWorcesterMA01610CentralSpanish, Portuguese, Lao, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, Nepali, Hindi, Sanskrit, Spanish, Albanian, Bosnian, Arabic, French, Berber, German, Italianhttp://www.fhcw.org
Fishing Partnership Support Services - Gloucester978-282-4847 or 888-282-88162 Blackburn CenterGloucesterMA01930NortheastEnglish, Italian
Fishing Partnership Support Services - New Bedford508-991-3043 or 888-282-8816398 County StreetNew BedfordMA02740SoutheastEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese
Fishing Partnership Support Services - Plymouth508-746-5400 or 888-282-8816139 Court Street, Unit 101APlymouthMA02360SoutheastEnglish
Greater Lawrence Community Action Council978-681-4900305 Essex StreetLawrenceMA01840Northeast English, Spanishhttp://www.glcac.org
HealthFirst Family Care Center, Inc.508-679-8111387 Quarry Street, Suite 100Fall RiverMA02723Southeast English, Portuguese, Cape Verdean Creolehttp://www.healthfirstfr.org
Hilltown Community Health Center - Huntington413-667-22039 Russell RoadHuntingtonMA01050WesternEnglish, Spanishhttps://www.hchcweb.org
Hilltown Community Health Centers, Inc. - Amherst413-667-220370 Boltwood WalkAmherstMA01002WesternEnglish, Spanish, Interpreter services are available for other languageshttps://www.hchcweb.org
Hilltown Community Health Centers, Inc. - Huntington413-667-22039 Russell RoadHuntingtonMA01050WesternEnglish, Spanishhttp://www.hchcweb.org
Hilltown Community Health Centers, Inc. - Worthington413-667-220358 Old North RoadWorthingtonMA01098WesternEnglishhttp://www.hilltowncdc.org
Joint Committee for Children's Health Care in Everett617-394-2414484 BroadwayEverettMA02149Greater BostonEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, French, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatianhttp://jcchce.org
Joint Committee for Children's Health Care in Everett - East Boston617-394-2414150 Orient AvenueBostonMA02128Greater BostonSpanish, English, Portuguesehttps://jcchce.org
Joint Committee for Children's Health Care in Everett - Somerville617-394-241415 Tower CourtSomervilleMA02143Greater BostonSpanish, English, Portuguesehttps://jcchce.org
Lowell Community Health Center978-937-9700161 Jackson StreetLowellMA01852NortheastEnglish, Spanish, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Portuguese, Khmer, Arabichttp://www.lchealth.org
Lynn Community Health Center781-581-3900269 Union StreetLynnMA01901NortheastSpanish, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Russianhttp://www.lchcnet.org
Manet Community Health Center508-822-55001 Washington StreetTauntonMA02780SoutheastEnglish, Spanishhttp://www.manetchc.org
Manet Community Health Center617-376-3000110 W Squantum StreetNorth QuincyMA02171SoutheastEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Arabichttp://www.manetchc.org
Manet Community Health Center617-471-47169 Bicknell StreetQuincyMA02169SoutheastEnglish, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarinhttp://www.manetchc.org
Manet Community Health Center617-471-86831193 Sea StreetQuincyMA02169SoutheastEnglish, Vietnamese, Cantonesehttp://www.manetchc.org
Manet Community Health Center781-925-4550180 George Washington BoulevardHullMA02045SoutheastEnglish, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarinhttp://www.manetchc.org
Manet Community Health Center508-205-46008 North Main StreetAttleboroMA02703SoutheastEnglish, Spanishhttps://www.manetchc.org
Manet Community Health Center857-358-728039 Broad StreetQuincyMA02169SoutheastEnglish, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarinhttps://www.manetchc.org
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) - Cambridge617-864-76001046 Cambridge StreetCambridgeMA02139Greater BostonPortuguese, Englishhttps://maps-inc.org
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) - Somerville617-764-2091362 Somerville AvenueSomervilleMA02143Greater BostonPortuguesehttps://maps-inc.org
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) - Brighton617-787-0557697 Cambridge Street, Suite 203BostonMA02135Greater BostonPortuguese, Englishhttps://maps-inc.org
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) - Dorchester617-825-58971 Stoughton StreetBostonMA02125Greater BostonPortuguese, English, Cape Verdean Creolehttps://maps-inc.org
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) - Lowell978-970-1250490 Central StreetLowellMA01852NortheastPortuguese, Englishhttps://maps-inc.org
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) - Framingham508-872-265222 Union AvenueFraminghamMA01702MetroWestPortuguese, Englishhttps://maps-inc.org
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) - Everett617-917-4556792 BroadwayEverettMA02149Greater BostonPortuguese, Englishhttps://maps-inc.org
People Acting in Community Endeavors (PACE)508-999-9920477 Park StreetNew BedfordMA02740SoutheastEnglish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Italian, Spanish, Frenchhttp://www.paceinfo.org
Upham's Corner Health Center617-287-8000415 Columbia RoadDorchesterMA02125Greater BostonEnglish, Spanish, Vietnamese, Cape Verdean Creole, Portuguesehttp://uphamscornerhealthcenter.org
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, Inc. Outpost Site - Falmouth Service Church*508-771-1727611 Gifford StreetFalmouthMA02540Cape and IslandsEnglish, Portuguese, Spanish


  • First Monday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Third and Fourth Mondays of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
By appointment only. Call to schedule.
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, Inc. Outpost Site - Falmouth Human Services*508-771-1727744 Main StreetFalmouthMA02540Cape and IslandsEnglish, Portuguese, Spanish


  • First Monday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Third and Fourth Mondays of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
By appointment only. Call to schedule.
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, Inc. Outpost Site - Brazilian Social Services*508-771-172770 Center StreetBarnstableMA02601Cape and IslandsEnglish, Portuguese, Spanish


  • Every Wednesday from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
By appointment only. Call to schedule.
Fathers' UpLift, Inc.617-798-106112 Southern AvenueBostonMA02124Greater BostonEnglishhttps://www.fathersuplift.org
Fishing Partnership Support Services - Chatham774-840-9393 or 888-282-88166J Munson Meeting WayChathamMA02633Cape and IslandsEnglish, Spanish

How Navigators Help

Navigators focus their work on helping consumers with eligibility applications and questions and health plan enrollment. Navigators offer virtual and in-person assistance in many different languages and can help with a range of activities, including:

  • Completing the online eligibility application

  • Helping members renew their plans during Open Enrollment

  • Assisting member to compare health plans and enroll in the plans that best suits their needs

  • Reporting any life changes, or qualifying events like a new baby or job, to the Health Connector

  • Advising members about advance premium tax credits and the need for members receiving them to file taxes

  • Interpreting member notices and advising on any appropriate actions

  • Sending in proof of information (like an ID or paystubs) that may be necessary to remain insured

  • Escalating and resolving complex issues through established customer service channels

Navigators are not Health Connector customer service agents. They cannot process documents or accept and process payments.

Protect Yourself from Fraud: How to Identify a Certified Navigator

When working with a certified Navigator, they will be able to show you their certification, provided by the Health Connector. Consumers should note that organizations and individuals cannot serve as Navigators in Massachusetts without a grant award and training from the Health Connector to perform Navigator duties. All Navigator services are free and are open to anyone.

When working with an applicant or member for the first time, Navigators will require that you sign a Navigator Designation form to designate the organization as your Navigator site. The Navigator Designation Form allows the Navigator to receive some information about your application. Navigators are unbiased and always present individuals with all health plan options.

Questions and Answers

Yes, if you are uninsured and looking for help, Navigator Organizations can provide in-person assistance to help you get covered and answer questions.

Yes, you can seek a Navigator’s assistance at any point during the application or enrollment process. Members actively enrolled in coverage can also work with Navigators to make updates or ask questions about their coverage.

No, Navigators are available to anyone seeking assistance. There are no income requirements for receiving free assistance from Navigators.

All Navigators train each year with in-person sessions and online courses on how to help consumers with eligibility, the online application, health plan selection, and enrollment. They are also trained on how to assist individuals to troubleshoot problems.

Click on this link to see all of the information you need to complete your application: