How do I answer questions about income?
Calculating your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) To help figure out your annual Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) income for 2023, we have provided the calculator below. Please note that the all sources of income you expect to receive in 2023 must be considered. For example, if you are a seasonal employee and expects to collect unemployment during certain months of the year, you should include the expected unemployment income in the total income. [ninja_forms id=34] How to answer questions about your current income The question "Does FIRST NAME LAST NAME have any income?" should be answered for the MONTH you are completing your application. If you—and any household members included on your application—has any current income (such as income from a job, self-employment, or other source), the answer should be "Yes". If you answer the question by selecting "No", click "Save and Continue" to move to the next page. Answer this question based on your current income. If you answer the question by selecting "Yes", the next question on the screen will ask what types of income you have. You can check all the boxes that apply and then click “Save and Continue” to move to the next page and answer questions about the type(s) of income you checked. Check all income types that apply to you. Income Frequency Take care to note that the income amount has the right frequency (how often you receive the income). The table below includes frequency choices and descriptions you will need [...]