The final step to complete your application is reading and attesting (agreeing) to the statements in the “Rights and Responsibilities” page of the application and providing your electronic signature (e-Signature). This page includes important information about getting coverage through MassHealth or the Health Connector. You will need to read and attest to all statements by clicking the check boxes on the screen before you can submit your application and see what programs you are eligible for.

If you need help understanding your rights and responsibilities, you can get help from a customer service representative or an Enrollment Assister.

Incarcerated household members

Because of Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid rules, people who are in jail because they have been convicted of a crime are not eligible to get coverage through the Marketplace. However, if someone in your household is in jail awaiting trial (pending disposition), or they will be released within the next 60 days, that person is still eligible to apply for coverage through the Health Connector website.

When you apply, you will be asked on the “Rights and Responsibilities” page if someone applying for coverage is incarcerated. Only respond “Yes” if there is a person who is applying with you and they are in jail because they were convicted of a crime (not awaiting disposition).