Updating Your Information

How to update your income information

You can update your application information online at anytime by logging into your account and reporting a change. Follow the steps below to update your 2025 income. Important: Reporting a change to your income may change the how much help paying for costs you receive if you applied for subsidies. If you receive an Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) and you report an income increase, you may see a decrease in your Advance Premium Tax Credits if you currently receive them. If you report a decrease in income, you may see an increase in Advance Premium Tax Credit. If you report an income that is at or below 500% FPL, you may be eligible for ConnectorCare plans. If you are enrolled in ConnectorCare and report an increase or decrease in income that is still at or below 500% FPL, then your Plan Type may change. Learn more about Plan Types → If you report an income that is at or below 133% FPL, you may qualify for MassHealth coverage. View FPL Chart → OR Get a Quick Estimate → Steps to update your income Step 1: Sign into your account and visit the “My Eligibility” page. You will see your “Year 2025” application listed. Step 2: On the "My Eligibility" page, click “Edit Application” under the Actions column. If you don't see this link, skip to Step 3. Step 3: On the next page, you will need to click the “Report a Change” link under the Actions column. Step 4: [...]

Report Changes: How to make changes to (update) your application

Tip for entering income that is suddenly lower than expected: Enter your income as it is right now when asked on your application how much you are currently earning. Then adjust your expected yearly income based on what you think you'll end up making over the course of the year. You can update your application information online at anytime by logging into your account. Here's a list of the application information you can update: Update income and additional questions about health insurance Update this information if you now make more or less money than when you applied, or if you have a new income source, or if you need to make a change to the information about the insurance offered by your employer, other insurance coverage (such as Medicare, TRICARE, Peace Corps, or VA Healthcare Program), or MassHealth-specific questions. Special Note about income changes Update home address, mailing address, or both Update your addresses on your application. If you have moved, make sure you report this change as soon as possible. Add someone to your application or tell us if someone is now applying for coverage Update if anyone in your household recently got married, had a baby, adopted a child, took custody of a child from foster care or was ordered by a court to provide care for someone. Also select to change someone to applying for coverage. Remove someone from your application or tell us if someone is no longer applying for coverageUpdate if [...]

Update your mailing address

If you still have the same home address, but a new mailing address, like a new PO Box, and you need to update the address you get mail, the Health Connector website now allows you to make updates to your application without calling customer service. If you need to report a change, you will now be able to sign into your account and edit your application by visiting the “My Eligibility” page and clicking “Edit Application”. On the next page, you will need to click “Report a Change”. From there, click the link that will take to you change your address or other contact information and follow the on-screen instructions to make your changes:

Special Note about Income Changes

Tip for entering income that is suddenly lower than expected: Enter your income as it is right now when asked on your application how much you are currently earning. Then, adjust your expected yearly income based on what you think you'll end up making over the course of the year. Reporting a change to your income may change the how much help paying for costs you receive if you applied for subsidies.If you receive an Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) and you report an income increase, you may see a decrease in APTC.If you report an income that is less, you may see an increase in APTC.If you are now enrolled in a Health Connector plan with no APTC and your income is lower, if you applied for coverage and help paying costs, then you may become eligible for APTC.If you report an income that is at or below 500% FPL, you may be eligible for ConnectorCare plans.If you are enrolled in ConnectorCare and report an increase or decrease in income that is still at or below 500% FPL, then your Plan Type may change. Learn more about Plan Types →If you report an income that is at or below 133% FPL, you may qualify for MassHealth coverage. View FPL Chart →

Canceling your Health Connector or ConnectorCare plan

As a Health Connector member, you have a right to cancel your health or dental plan at any time. But the day of the month when you cancel your plan is very important. If you need to cancel a health or dental plan for next month, then you must cancel the plan by the 23rd of the current month. Your coverage end date is the last day of the month that you request your plan cancellation, even if you cancel before the 23rd of the month. Otherwise, your coverage will end on the last day of the following month. So, if you cancel your plan on or before the 23rd of the month, you will still be covered through the last day of that same month. If you cancel your coverage on the 24th of the month or later, you will be covered for the entire following month if you paid your monthly premium. Here is an example: You started a new job and will have health insurance through a new employer starting on October 1. You must cancel your plan through the Health Connector by September 23 in order for your plan to end by September 30 right before your job-based plan starts on October 1st so you can avoid having—and paying for—two health plans. Special note for members who make automatic payments If you make payments automatically, then you should either cancel your plan or cancel your automatic payment before it is deducted from your account. You can [...]

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