Broker Tools & Resources
Find useful information below for and about your small businesses clients, such as training information, manuals, brochures, fact sheets, ConnectWell information, links to online resources, and more. Check back often for updates.
Health Connector Helps Brokers Find Small Business Solutions
Benefits expert Darren Ambler knows the challenges that small business owners face when insurance costs strain a tight budget—and that the Massachusetts Health Connector helps brokers find solutions their small business clients need.
LENGTH: 1:42

Broker Training and Certification Resources
Access Broker certification and training information, documents, and events.
Helps your clients save up to 15% on premiums
ConnectWell offers you the opportunity to help eligible clients get a rebate of up to 15% on their premium contribution by promoting a healthy workforce.
National Health Reform and Your Business
This booklet provides a detailed overview of the new national health care reform law and what it means for Massachusetts employers.
The Massachusetts Employer’s Comprehensive Guide to National Health Reform
This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the aspects of national health reform that affect employers. It is written to be a tactically useful resource for Massachusetts business owners, human resources professionals, brokers, consultants, advocates, legislators and legislative staff, among others. Our primary audience is small and mid-size fully-insured employers and the human resources and policy professionals that work with them.
Additional Resources
- Massachusetts National Health Care Reform Implementation
- For businesses with questions about
- National Health Reform website:
- Center for Consumer Information and Insurance
- Business USA’s “one-stop-shop” where employers of all sizes can go for information on the Affordable Care
- US Department of Labor web page on national health reform
- Breastfeeding Information:
- Internal Revenue Service:
- The Massachusetts Division of Insurance:
- You can also contact DOI Consumer Services
- Talk to your broker, if you work with one, about your questions about national health reform
Past Updates
The ACA Awakens: ACA and Other 2016 Compliance Considerations. What Now?
APRIL 7, 2016
This free, educational seminar focused on 2016 Compliance Issues and Recent ACA Developments. This event was sponsored by the Massachusetts Health Connector and presented by Rick Szczebak, Esq., of Parker Brown Macaulay & Sheerin, P.C.
View or download slides from this training sessions →
View all past training session presentation materials →
Questions? Contact Customer Service
Call 1-888-813-9220 (TTY: 711 for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled.)
Business Hours:
- Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Support is available in all languages.