Health Connector Dashboard Reports

The Health Connector publishes reports to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on plan selection, contact center summaries, and enrollment data during the MassHealth redetermination period. Our goal is to offer you a transparent and insightful view of the performance and impact of the Health Connector in Massachusetts.

Dashboard Glossary

Top 10 communities with the largest number of eligible unenrolled individuals.

Individuals who qualify for federal Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) subsidies and whose income is up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. The ConnectorCare program provides additional state-subsidized premium and cost sharing supports.

These individuals are eligible for a Health Connector program but have not yet selected a plan or paid for their coverage to start.

Total members enrolled in Health Connector programs by program type

Member was eligible for a Health Connector program in the previous month but did not enroll in coverage for the previous month

Individuals who have been redetermined into Health Connector coverage and have been notified that their MassHealth is ending. Individuals are notified 14 days before their MassHealth coverage ends.

Member had MassHealth coverage in the previous month and the MassHealth coverage ended before their Health Connector coverage began

Member had MassHealth coverage in the previous month and had no gap in coverage before starting Health Connector coverage

The percentage of people who enter the phone queue then hang up before speaking with an agent.

The number of seconds between callers entering the phone queue and being connected with an agent.

The number of phone calls received by the Contact Center each month.

Member submitted a new application for coverage.

Newly enrolled members are new to Health Connector coverage. New members are broken out by their application status prior to enrollment and subsidy program type.

Member was not eligible for Health Connector coverage in the previous month.

Plan selected individuals are people who have selected a plan but have not yet paid to start their coverage. If they fail to pay by their payment due date, their coverage will not begin. Plan selections are broken out by their application status prior to enrollment and subsidy program type.

Individuals who qualify for federal Advance Premium Tax Credit subsidies but whose income exceeds 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. No additional state subsidies are provided to this population

Individuals who do not receive any federal or state support to purchase their health insurance plan or cost sharing reductions once enrolled.